Backend Setup 🚀

Welcome to the Omi backend setup guide! Omi is an innovative, multimodal AI assistant that combines cutting-edge technologies to provide a seamless user experience. This guide will help you set up the backend infrastructure that powers Omi’s intelligent capabilities.

Prerequisites 📋

Before you start, make sure you have the following:

  • Google Cloud Project: You need a Google Cloud project with Firebase enabled. If you’ve already set up Firebase for the Omi app, you’re good to go.
  • API Keys: 🔑 Obtain API keys for:
  • Google Maps API Key: 🗺️ (Optional) For location features

I. Setting Up Google Cloud & Firebase ☁️

  1. Install Google Cloud SDK:
    • Mac (using brew): brew install google-cloud-sdk
    • Nix Envdir: The SDK is usually pre-installed
  2. Enable Necessary APIs: 🔧
    • Go to the Google Cloud Console
    • Select your project
    • Navigate to APIs & Services -> Library
    • Enable the following APIs:
      • Cloud Resource Manager API
      • Firebase Management API
  3. Authenticate with Google Cloud: 🔐
    • Open your terminal
    • Run the following commands one by one, replacing <project-id> with your Google Cloud project ID:
       gcloud auth login
       gcloud config set project <project-id>
       gcloud auth application-default login --project <project-id>
    • This process generates an application_default_credentials.json file in the ~/.config/gcloud directory. This file is used for automatic authentication with Google Cloud services in Python.

II. Backend Setup 🛠️

  1. Install Python & Dependencies: 🐍
    • Mac (using brew): brew install python
    • Nix Envdir: Python is pre-installed
    • Install pip (if not present):
    • Install Git and FFmpeg:
      • Mac (using brew): brew install git ffmpeg
      • Nix Envdir: Git and FFmpeg are pre-installed
  2. Clone the Backend Repository: 📂
    • Open your terminal and navigate to your desired directory
    • Clone the Omi backend repository:
       git clone
       cd Omi
       cd backend 
  3. Set up the Environment File: 📝
    • Create a copy of the .env.template file and rename it to .env:
      cp .env.template .env
    • Open the .env file and fill in the following:
      • OpenAI API Key: Obtained from your OpenAI account
      • Deepgram API Key: Obtained from your Deepgram account
      • Redis Credentials: Host, port, username, and password for your Redis instance
      • Modal API Key: Obtained from your Modal account
      • ADMIN_KEY: Set to a temporary value (e.g., 123) for local development
      • Other API Keys: Fill in any other API keys required by your integrations (e.g., Google Maps API key)
  4. Install Python Dependencies: 📚
    • In your terminal (inside the backend directory), run:
       pip install -r requirements.txt

III. Running the Backend Locally 🏃‍♂️

  1. Set up Ngrok for Tunneling: 🚇
    • Sign up for a free account on and install Ngrok
    • Follow their instructions to authenticate Ngrok with your account
    • During the onboarding, Ngrok will provide you with a command to create a tunnel to your localhost. Modify the port in the command to 8000 (the default port for the backend). For example:
      ngrok http 8000 
    • Run this command in your terminal. Ngrok will provide you with a public URL (like that points to your local backend
  2. Start the Backend Server: 🖥️
    • In your terminal, run:
      uvicorn main:app --reload --env-file .env 
      • --reload automatically restarts the server when code changes are saved, making development easier
      • --env-file .env loads environment variables from your .env file
      • --host listens to every interface on your computer so you don’t have to set up ngrok when developing in your network
      • --port 8000 port for backend to listen
  3. Troubleshooting SSL Errors: 🔒
    • SSL Errors: If you encounter SSL certificate errors during model downloads, add this to utils/stt/
      import ssl
      ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
    • API Key Issues: Double-check all API keys in your .env file. Ensure there are no trailing spaces
    • Ngrok Connection: Ensure your Ngrok tunnel is active and the URL is correctly set in the Omi app
    • Dependencies: If you encounter any module not found errors, try reinstalling dependencies:
      pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade --force-reinstall
  4. Connect the App to the Backend: 🔗
    • In your Omi app’s environment variables, set the API_BASE_URL to the public URL provided by Ngrok (e.g.,

Now, your Omi app should be successfully connected to the locally running backend.

Environment Variables 🔐

Here’s a detailed explanation of each environment variable you need to define in your .env file:

  • HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN: Your Hugging Face Hub API token, used to download models for speech processing (like voice activity detection)
  • BUCKET_SPEECH_PROFILES: The name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket where user speech profiles are stored
  • BUCKET_BACKUPS: The name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket used for backups (if applicable)
  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: The path to your Google Cloud service account credentials file (google-credentials.json). This file is generated in step 3 of I. Setting Up Google Cloud & Firebase
  • PINECONE_API_KEY: Your Pinecone API key, used for vector database operations. Storing Memory Embeddings: Each memory is converted into a numerical representation (embedding). Pinecone efficiently stores these embeddings and allows Omi to quickly find the most relevant memories related to a user’s query
  • PINECONE_INDEX_NAME: The name of your Pinecone index where memory embeddings are stored
  • REDIS_DB_HOST: The host address of your Redis instance
  • REDIS_DB_PORT: The port number of your Redis instance
  • REDIS_DB_PASSWORD: The password for your Redis instance
  • DEEPGRAM_API_KEY: Your Deepgram API key, used for real-time and pre-recorded audio transcription
  • ADMIN_KEY: A temporary key used for authentication during local development (replace with a more secure method in production)
  • OPENAI_API_KEY: Your OpenAI API key, used for accessing OpenAI’s language models for chat, memory processing, and more
  • GITHUB_TOKEN: Your GitHub personal access token, used to access GitHub’s API for retrieving the latest firmware version
  • WORKFLOW_API_KEY: Your custom API key for securing communication with external workflows or integrations

Make sure to replace the placeholders (<api-key>, <bucket-name>, etc.) with your actual values.

Contributing 🤝

We welcome contributions from the open source community! Whether it’s improving documentation, adding new features, or reporting bugs, your input is valuable. Check out our Contribution Guide for more information.

Support 🆘

If you’re stuck, have questions, or just want to chat about Omi:

  • GitHub Issues: 🐛 For bug reports and feature requests
  • Community Forum: 💬 Join our community forum for discussions and questions
  • Documentation: 📚 Check out our full documentation for in-depth guides

Happy coding! 💻 If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our community.