๐ŸŽ›๏ธ Omi Memory Post-Processing Workflow

This document outlines the post-processing workflow for memories in the Omi application.

๐Ÿ“Š Process Overview

  1. Post-processing request initiated
  2. Request handled by routers/postprocessing.py
  3. Audio pre-processed and stored
  4. FAL.ai WhisperX transcription performed
  5. Transcript post-processed
  6. Speech profile matching for speaker identification
  7. Memory updated and reprocessed
  8. Optional emotional analysis

    Post Processing

๐Ÿ” Detailed Steps

1. Post-Processing Request

  • Omi App sends POST request to /v1/memories/{memory_id}/post-processing
  • Request includes:
    • Audio recording for post-processing
    • Flag for emotional analysis

2. Request Handling

  • postprocess_memory function in routers/postprocessing.py processes the request
  • Retrieves existing memory data from Firebase Firestore using database/memories.py

3. Pre-Processing and Storage

User Permission Check

  • Checks if user allows audio storage (database/users.py)
  • If permitted, audio uploaded to memories_recordings_bucket in Google Cloud Storage

Audio Upload for Processing

  • Audio uploaded to postprocessing_audio_bucket in Google Cloud Storage
  • Handled by utils/other/storage.py


  • Background thread started to delete uploaded audio after set time (e.g., 5 minutes)

4. FAL.ai WhisperX Transcription

  • fal_whisperx function in utils/stt/pre_recorded.py sends audio to FAL.ai
  • WhisperX model performs high-quality transcription and speaker diarization
  • Returns list of transcribed words with speaker labels

5. Transcript Post-Processing

fal_postprocessing function in utils/stt/pre_recorded.py:

  • Cleans transcript data
  • Groups words into segments based on speaker and timing
  • Converts segments to TranscriptSegment objects

6. Speech Profile Matching

get_speech_profile_matching_predictions in utils/stt/speech_profile.py:

  • Downloads userโ€™s speech profile and known people profiles
  • Uses Speechbrain model to compare speaker embeddings
  • Updates segments with is_user and person_id flags

7. Memory Update and Reprocessing

  • Memory object updated with improved transcript and speaker identification
  • Updated data saved to Firebase Firestore
  • If FAL.ai transcription successful:
    • process_memory in utils/memories/process_memory.py re-processes memory
    • Re-extracts structured data (title, overview, etc.)
    • Re-generates embeddings
    • Updates memory in vector database

8. Emotional Analysis (Optional)

If requested:

  • process_user_emotion function called asynchronously
  • Uses Hume API to analyze userโ€™s emotions in the recording
  • Can trigger notifications based on detected emotions

๐Ÿ’ป Key Code Components

# In routers/postprocessing.py
@router.post("/v1/memories/{memory_id}/post-processing", response_model=Memory)
def postprocess_memory(memory_id: str, file: UploadFile, emotional_feedback: bool = False):
    # ... (request handling and pre-processing)
    words = fal_whisperx(audio_url)
    segments = fal_postprocessing(words)
    segments = get_speech_profile_matching_predictions(uid, segments)
    # ... (memory update and reprocessing)
    if emotional_feedback:
        asyncio.create_task(process_user_emotion(uid, file_path))

# In utils/stt/pre_recorded.py
def fal_whisperx(audio_url: str):
    # ... (FAL.ai API call and processing)

def fal_postprocessing(words: List[dict]) -> List[TranscriptSegment]:
    # ... (clean and format transcript data)

# In utils/stt/speech_profile.py
def get_speech_profile_matching_predictions(uid: str, segments: List[TranscriptSegment]):
    # ... (speaker identification logic)